Unfinished Painting by Mike Capron

I always enjoy learning in the creative process. I have several different thoughts on how I can finish this painting. My original plan was to paint a landscape with an imaginary character in the landscape and try to make it look correct. I wanted to do as much memory drawing as possible. I researched lots of historical information. I did the landscape from memory also.  I am happy so far, but it doesn’t feel finished because I have not titled it and there is no real message to the painting. Just a character and a landscape...........
I would like to hear your thoughts on what I have done so far and where I need to go in-order to finish the painting.....I have some ideas but would love to hear some more. We can call it a community art class.
Thanks for your time and thoughts......
Mike Capron 




Lee Walker

Here’s a thought for you on naming the painting. In 1890, the last words of the Blackfeet warrior Crowfoot were, “What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night. It is the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.”

Al Fannin

Maybe a Yucca or Mountain Laurel in bloom in the foreground to the right. Far background looks fine. To the left of the horse and rider in the near background a Agave. Or just leave it as is.

Ken Kattner

Mike, I agree with Linda Kirkpatrick. I’m not an artist but have read every book I come across about Southwestern American Indians (mostly Comanche and Apache). My understanding is that plains warriors painted themselves and their horses for battle. Because this sad looking dude is alone, moving quickly and has a lance and shield, he looks “Defeated”! Maybe a wound to him or his horse would help define the image. Maybe not. Again, I’m not an artist. Good luck.

buddy smith

Looks like he’s riding side saddle at first glance.

Trey Bell

Hello friend Mike. I truly love your artwork, however, I agree with you on this one. It does look unfinished somehow. It needs more there for it to tell an easy to see story, as do your other works. I believe another character and more background landscape would add a great deal to this fine painting. I can’t wait to see it finished!

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