Unfinished Painting by Mike Capron

I always enjoy learning in the creative process. I have several different thoughts on how I can finish this painting. My original plan was to paint a landscape with an imaginary character in the landscape and try to make it look correct. I wanted to do as much memory drawing as possible. I researched lots of historical information. I did the landscape from memory also.  I am happy so far, but it doesn’t feel finished because I have not titled it and there is no real message to the painting. Just a character and a landscape...........
I would like to hear your thoughts on what I have done so far and where I need to go in-order to finish the painting.....I have some ideas but would love to hear some more. We can call it a community art class.
Thanks for your time and thoughts......
Mike Capron 





I think that’s the peak at Bakersfield and he’s either on the way to Comanche Springs to get some peaches, or he’s on his way from there, where he ate too many peaches, and he’s got a belly ache. The cavalry cut down all the peach trees at Comanche springs pretty early on, because they were a major food source in May and June for the Indians. Not that I was there to see it…. I have read that several places though.

Tom Q Capron

“Lone Warrior “. I would like to see some more “clarity” on warrior and horse in appropriate places.
But it all comes from the heart of the artist…design by committee never was very exciting!
Overall balance and light are nice!

Dick McCall

That’s either a miniature horse are the world’s largest Indian way out of proportion other than that it’s good

Walt Meyer

Penny and I agree with Ken the warrior has the expression of having been defeated in battle but not the look.

Marcella Epperson

I love it but agree with the sidesaddle comment—that was the first thing I noticed.
Maybe paint some wrinkles/shaddows/depth into that hide…?

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