Hook Up and Ride
Hook Up and Ride
Ray Fitzgerald
There’s a time to crowd in close
and a time to swing out wide
A time to pull up and wait
And a time to hook up and ride.
You jump a snaky, runnin’ bull
With no mark on ear or hide
Thee’s no chance that he’ll hold up
It’s time to hook up and ride.
You see your pardoners horse go down
He’s layin’ there on his side
Your belly draws up and your mouth goes dry
But you sure hook up and ride.
A norther’ blowed in durin’ the night
It’s sure warm by you fireside
Cattle are driftin’ before the storm
You’ve got to hook up and ride.
A ranchers just come down sick
And he has to stay inside
His shippin’ date is due
His neighbors’ll hook up and ride.
You’re runnin’ wild horses on frozen ground
Every jump they slip and slide
You never think about fallin’
You just hook up and ride.
You hear of a little kid that’s lost
With a storm comin’ o’er the divide
You drop whatever you’re doin
And just hook up and ride.
You’ve taken the outside circle
With a dozen rider inside
All of them are followin’ your lead
You better hook up and ride.
You hear about a cowtown dance
Girls are comin’ far and wide
The boss just gave you the weekend off
It’s time to hook up and ride.
You see the smoke of a range fire
And you get a sick feelin’ inside
Your wife and baby are home alone
It’s time to hook up and ride.
When the choice was heaven or hell
It was easy for me to decide
Jesus offers salvation free
Let’s all hook up and ride.
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