Days Long Gone By

Days Long Gone By
Don K Grote
About my Senior in High School-
A bus student just got off before the first class bell rang. He ran to some friends who drove to school- and ‘happened’ to have their .270 along.
The group flew back out to shoot a big buck seen by the bus student in a pasture. Came back before the second class bell rang. Showing the buck to the HS Principal he was so impressed he never wrote them up as absent or tardy. The Principal was a hunter himself. No issues with having a deer rifle on school property. A cold day and the field dressed buck was left in their vehicle until noon lunch hour to move it elsewhere to process.
Another student had about a half mile walk to catch the bus each day. He would leave his rifle in a cattle guard for after school. He would retrieve his rifle and hunt all the way home. He killed a monster buck one day walking home- in the early 60s. I have seen the mount and the biggest anywhere around.
Days long gone by.
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