Cowboy Logic

Cowboy Logic
Austin Brown II
Wilbur and Ethel were expecting their first grandchild
But he was out brandin’ and she was teachin’ while
Their grown kids were sweatin’ the really hard things
Like a nursery, doctor bills, and labor pains.
As the birth time grew near, the hope they had
Was for a weekend birth so they could both be glad.
Actually, Ethel wanted to be there in the worst way
But Wilbur never sweated the small stuff, anyway.
He told her he would attend and be real cool,
Even on a weekday when she was teaching school.
The weekday birth, to Ethel, was really a bad turn
‘Cause she was very busy, while Wilbur had time to burn.
He assured Ethel he would drive to the town nearby
And would call her as soon as he heard the baby cry!
“Don’t only call me”, she said. “A photo is what I’d like.
Even if it’s still wet, I’d love a pic of the little tyke!”
Wilbur took his old Brownie, bought him some film,
And was all ready for the birth-event of the new kin.
The baby came right on time and it was twins!
This surprised everyone brought them many grins!
He called his workin’ wife about this amazing birth,
But Ethel was definitely not joinin’ in all the mirth.
“Get me a pic as fast as you possibly can!”
So, Wilbur grabbed his camera and away he ran.
The drugstore said they could develop the shots
And tomorrow Ethel could see a photo of the tots.
Next day, he drove back home to his wife very fast
He was sure sweatin’ that her upset would be past!
He ran into the house and handed her his only pic.
Then he realized she was gonna be sick,
For the single, precious photo he brought home
Was of only one of the babies on a blanket, all alone!
Ethel, by then was in no mood for his excuses
And thought this to be one of Wilbur’s silly ruses.
“And where is the other twin?” she said very cynical!
“Oh, I was savin” film, but no worries, cause the twins are identical”!!!
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