Come On, Lets Go To Brumbaugh's Furniture and Design
Come On Let’s Go to Brumbaugh’s Furniture and Design
Mike Capron
Come to Brumbaugh’s Furniture and Design on Thursday Evening, Nov 2 2023, for a fine time viewing fine furniture, fine art, listening to fine music, enjoying fine fellowship filling up on fine treats.
Years ago in the days of the wagons there was a local gathering for a picnic and dance. A great time was being had by all. A couple of the young men thought they should liven up the party. They thought it would be exciting for all the young children to wake up in a different wagon, so they exchanged all the sleeping babies in the wagons. Not sure how many slept through the exchange, but lots of excitement getting all the babies back with their right families. I bet none left the picnic without their rightful parents.
I am sure we won’t have that kind of excitement at the Brumbaugh Party, but I am sure it will be something worth telling about later…….!!!!
I am looking forward to seeing everyone there…..!!!!!!!
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