Mike Capron
You might remember my granddaughter Layne (Who is five) making the comment in the Dallas Airport when she was visiting with another young flyer that she lived in Alpine, Texas . The young flyer said, “Oh that is a big city.”
Layne said. “ Oh no it is not, we don’t even have a Chick-fil-A”
Since that time I have been more aware of Chick-fil-A. I had not eaten there, but the Chick-fil-A keeps coming up in the family conversations. The grand-girls were pointing the Chick-fil-A restaurants out when we passed one in town, which was on our trip to San Angelo. On our last trip to San Angelo the grand-girls thought we should meet for lunch at Chick-fil-A. Anne and I agreed as we were excited to see the girls and have a break from driving in San Angelo. It was nearly noon so I was excited about some kind of food. I am not a picky eater and I figured I could find something eatable. Probably wouldn’t be beefsteak, but whatever. It was noon so the “Drive thru” line was long and the dining room was full, but we got in the ordering line and were excited to see the grand-girls and were busy visiting with them and not worrying about what we were going to eat. The lines were full and plenty of people. But we got our order in fashionable time and found a table in the back close to the Kids play room , which was glassed lined and full of kids having fun playing on different objects. I started eating my order and was able to pay attention to my surroundings as the girls had gone in the children’s play room. As I looked around the room full of families eating, ordering and enjoying Chick-fil-A someone said. wow can you believe this place………?????. It is full of people eating, ordering, and enjoying each other. The drive thru is full and everyone looks happy.
Maybe we need to let Chick-fil-A run this country……..!!!!!
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