Burning Daylight
Burning Daylight
Mike Capron
I have heard this phrase so many times. I have no idea where it came from. I was told it was from a John Wayne movie . I got the idea for this painting from David Sampson who owns the chuck wagon and I love chuck wagons and he said he would like to have a painting of his chuckwagon………..perfect center piece for “Burning Daylight”. This seemed to fit David’s Chuckwagon and the early morning cowboy action. David has a beautiful outfit. It sets right on the Chisholm trail where it crosses the Red River into Oklahoma. Beautiful cow country with loads of good grass. He has several Martin Black horses, which I am sure are capable mounts for any cowboy chore. David’s whole outfit is of the best quality made in this day and time. He is a great spokesman for the Traditional Cowboy Artist Association and has bought his whole outfit from the TCAA members and the annual show itself. I used him and his outfit for a model for this painting.
The annual TCAA is coming up this week Oct. 5,6,7 at the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Center in Oklahoma City. It will be a couple rooms full of beautiful Cowboy Art . Certainly a thrill to see.
David Sampson will be there along with many lovers of Cowboy Art. It is a wonderful opportunity to be around so many who know so much about the art of the cowboy.
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